Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Wind farms...a turn for the better?

Amid the ongoing installation of wind farms in the Irish Sea and the frequent public disapproval of placing them anywhere at all, I can only say that I rather like them.
 “Hold on!….keep it scenic!” you may cry and those who do will, of course, be making an important point. The English Lake District, after all, would be better left as it is and each reader will, no doubt, have his or her own favoured view. My reason, though, is that, save for the destructive excesses of hurricanes and tornadoes, I’ve always had a bit of a thing for weather. So, to drive through open countryside and see the wind’s power not just shaking the branches, but writ large in steel, can, in some unexpected way, thrill the senses. And there’s the other thing too; the business of mankind harnessing the elements for his own advancement, but this time leaving them in place; an inexhaustible supply of energy for future generations, until our Earth gets too near the sun. Somehow, I’d find it difficult not to feel inspired.
 Of course, I wouldn’t expect to convert anyone by heralding these towering monuments to progress (there I go again!). You’d probably rather gaze at oil paintings with the traditional windmills of Holland and that’s easy to understand, but for me (perhaps worryingly considering their size) thoughtfully placed wind farms will always rock.

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