Monday, 1 August 2011

On the Olympic event horizon?

Should we write to those in the public eye? Well, certainly the legendary journalist Christopher Hitchens seems in no doubt about the matter. Indeed, while dealing with his condition, he expressed, to Jeremy Paxman, his regret that he had not done so more often and urged the public: ‘always do!’
Personally, it’s something I’ve done only rarely and usually in the belief that I could contribute a pertinent observation, or suggestion. One example is a brief letter sent to Danny Boyle, proposing that, whether on screen or in person, Professor Stephen Hawking should feature prominently in the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony. Aside from moving science up the agenda, my reasoning was (and still is) that his triumph over adversity and  extraordinary resilience are very much in keeping with the Olympic ideal, although I could, perhaps, have pushed the point further. Hawking’s appearance would, I suggest, also serve as a link with the Paralympics, effectively reminding us that an occasion sometimes perceived as being of secondary importance, is, in fact, very much an aspect of the ‘main event’.
Still, my guess is that Mr Boyle already has it covered, so should the great scientist make an appearance, I will, of course, seek no credit!...hmmm...then again........

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