Monday, 8 August 2011

His way?

Interested to hear, on yesterday’s Songs of Praise programme (due to my frequent channel hopping), someone giving thanks, to God, for inspiring the architect, of a cathedral, but can’t this apparent truth reasonably be questioned?
After all, didn't designers, in previous eras, frequently work to order? Religious authority held sway and so, in order to progress, they would have been duty bound to deliver, for the church. Any other approach might, I imagine, have spelt the end of their careers.
Of course, this too can be contested; much as we might argue that Sinatra’s vagabond shoes really longed to step around the heart of New York; that Chicago was, unquestionably, his kind of town; or that, having been travelling, he, without shadow of a doubt, found it so much nicer to come home!

....and since I've ventured into the age of swing, readers might enjoy Michele Monro's biography of her father, Matt, my review of which can be found here

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