Monday, 22 August 2011

Nice one Constable!

Interested, this evening, to see, for the first time, a rainbow, just after sunset. It wasn't something I’d imagined possible and the effect was quite mesmerising, as it rose; not as the familiar horizontal 'bridge', but vertically; like some giant imperial gate, disappearing into high, reddened, cloud. Despite the extraordinary appearance, though, I found myself measuring its arc, in my mind and comparing it, as I tend to, with the work of John Constable; probably Britain’s finest ever landscape painter. Few would question the magnificence of his Salisbury scene, but, for me, that shining rainbow just doesn’t seem to meet the horizon where it should. That said,  I reckon it's not a bad little effort and would do for my bedroom wall, as long as I can get hold of the original.


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