Friday, 5 August 2011

So much for the name game!

Following submissions from two thousand entrants, faced with the challenge of celebrating the 2012 Olympics, the judging panel has chosen the following district names..................….
East Wick (courtesy, I imagine, of someone’s DVD collection, though without the witches); Chobham Manor (?); Sweetwater (because it was once home to a sweet factory and there’s a splash of H2O); Marshgate Wharf (presumably there is, or once was, a marsh, together with a gate) and last, but not least, Pudding Mill (I won’t even guess).
Further to this can I suggest one more? about Borem in the East End ?
....nothing to inspire future generations, or even a touch of traditional English innuendo.
Of course, it would be fair to mention that I didn’t enter the competition. Even so, I'm entitled to point out a disappointing absence of Olympic gold.

Final thought...can I suggest this instead of the National Anthem, when the UK medals are presented?..

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