Thursday, 11 August 2011

Time to start the ball rolling?

Continued debate, last night, about the rioting. How did it happen? can we stop it happening again?....and it seems, to me, we've been going round, in circles; so might, amid the complexity, this string of ideas offer a way forward?

Greater opportunities, for the under privileged mean less anger, on the streets... less anger means less expenditure, on policing... less expenditure, on policing, means more money, to provide greater opportunities, for the under privileged... greater opportunities mean less anger, on the streets….less anger, on the streets, means less expenditure, on policing….less expenditure, on policing, means more money, to provide greater opportunities, for the under privileged….greater opportunities mean less anger, on the streets; and so it perpetuates.

Of course, I may be wrong and nothing excuses the behaviour we’ve seen. It’s just that, sometimes, these matters don't seem so complicated.

1 comment:

Louise said...

i do agree that less privileged people need more opportunities but i don't think it has anything to do with the rioting. Footage has shown that youth workers, postmen and teachers (among other professions) took part in the rioting and looting. I feel this has more to do with anger within the entire society. this is just my opinion though, don't want to babble on too much!

Interesting blog x